Saturday, February 20, 2010

Story telling

As many of you may already know, Diane Jones and I are trying to get some story telling started amongst the Boggio clan; hence this blog. So, Diane has come up with a few questions that might help in striking up a conversation, or jog those memories. Let me know what you think...

"What was your favorite food that their mother fixed made for them?
Maybe ask if they have pictures inside of their home growing up?
Did they share a room?
What kind of chores did they have when they were little? When they were teens?
Did they have many friends that came over to play?
Did they get in trouble very often?
Where did they take their family vacations?
Does anyone in the family have the recipe book that she used to cook by?
Does anyone have their marriage certificate? If not I think that it can be ordered through the county they were married in?
What pets did they have has children?
Did they play with their sisters?
How did your grandparents meet?
Did they see THEIR grandparents very much?
Did they go and stay with their grandparents very much?
What were their grandparents like?
What tricks did they play on visiting relatives? I think their was one they played on Uncle Joe with the jacking up the car wheels in back or maybe it was the front?
Did they always raise sheep or did they raise cattle too?
What is their earliest memory? Some of these they may have to think about but I remember mine at age 5 when my brother died.
Ask him what he knew about my brother, James? As I don't know a lot.
What life was like when they were young? James was 10 almost 11 when he died....I am thinking that Dick was probably older than that.
Did they ever get together and play?
Did they always work or did they have fun too? I know we worked a lot when we were young and if we had fun it was mostly with our relatives in close proximity of our ranch. But for the boys it may have been different.
What did they do for fun?"

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